Free Statement Template


See below for a statement template sample. This is the format used in family court. Just change the details on the template to fit your situation.


Refer to Part 22 and Practice Direction 22A of the Family Procedure Rules for additional details regarding statements and evidence.


Consider the following guidelines when composing the witness statement:

  1. Start with status quo. The background of how and why contact has stopped.
  2. The issues surrounding your application. Include names and dates. Provide context for evidence. For instance, if referencing a photo, specify where and when it was taken and who took the photo.
  3. Include only your personal recollections; do not recount information relayed by others. Do not be derogatory, just stick to the facts.
  4. What you want from the court. Be realistic here. 
  5. Keep it to a maximum of 2 pages.


Download your template here